Easy and quick pizza dough recipe

We are going to take a pause from sewing and tackle a quick and easy recipe for pizza dough. Some times ordering pizza seems like a quick fix and I agree. But what if the local pizza joint is busy on a Saturday night and you are just hungry. I got the recipe for you, because like you I don’t have time to waste.

After testing out a few different types of pre made pizza dough I decided to make my own. Here are ingredients

  • 1 cup of pizza flour I use Caputo’s 00 pizza flour. You can find these at most Italian deli markets.

  • 1 cup of all purpose flour You can use King Arthur flour but I like to use Francine’s French flour.

  • 1 teaspoon of sea salt

  • 1 cup of lukewarm water. Make sure it’s lukewarm and not hot, or you will kill the yeast.

  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil

  • 3/4 teaspoon of active dry yeast.

Let’s talk about the flour for just a moment because I’m sure you are thinking. Why is this woman spending all this money on flour from across the pond? Well I bake a lot, and when you bake a lot you eat it. I don’t like the bloated feel that flour made in the US gives me. Some times we just can’t avoid it in some baked goods that you buy at a bakery, but for some reason the flour in Europe must be milled differently (or grown without something that we do in the US) and when I bake with this flour I don’t get that bloated feeling. So a few years ago we switched and we have all felt the difference. So that is my opinion about flour. I’m not knocking the US made flours. When that is what is available you go for it. But believe it or not, it does makes a huge difference.

Back to the recipe…

In a mixing bowl, combine the flours and salt.

In a separate bowl mix the lukewarm water, salt and active yeast with the olive oil and gently stir.

Pour the wet ingredients into the mixing bowl with the flours and salt.

Mix at a low speed with the paddle hook on for about 3 to 4 minutes until well combined. You can also do this by hand if you don’t have a mixer.

Once the dough has formed and all your ingredients are well combined then put the dough in a bowl, cover and let it rest in the fridge. I usually leave it in the fridge for an hour or you can leave it there overnight to rise.

Now its time to make pizza! This dough is enough for 1 - 16” pizza. Top it off with homemade tomato sauce, cheese along with your favorite toppings. Enjoy!

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