10 Tips to keep sewing thru the inflation

I’m sure you can agree that everything is more expensive right now. The cost of gas is thru the roof, add in supply chain issues, throw in a lack of labor and we are going thru one heck of an inflation. If you are like me you love sewing but are asking yourself…. how can I keep sewing and enjoying my hobby while not going into the red. So let me give you a few tips on how you can sew and enjoy your hobby thru the inflation.

  1. Buy ONLY what you need - What do I mean by that. Do you really need to buy that wool / cashmere fabric right now for the coat you will not start to make until the fall? Perhaps now is not the time to buy fabric, notions that are just going to collect dust because we aren’t going to be using them. Great you have the $$$ to purchase fabric, instead of buying 4 yards the pattern only calls for 3. Buy just three!

  2. Look for sales - Perhaps you are like me and need to make yourself a swimsuit. Look for sales. A lot of the fabric shops are having sales because most reasonable people have scaled back their buying. So look for the sales and make sure you follow rule number one…. that’s great there is a sale but only buy what you need.

  3. Refashioning - Look thru your closet. What can be refashioned? I know I have this great jumpsuit that I have yet to wear because I just can’t see myself wearing a long jumpsuit, so it will be made into a playsuit and it will be perfect for summer. I also have a three tiered white Swiss dot dress that I have worn once! ONCE, guess what I’m going to be getting to know my seam ripper and I’m going to make that into a top that I can wear this summer.

  4. Thrifting - I will be honest I don’t do much thrifting but some people are really good at it and they can see the diamond in that huge ugly skirt and refashion it into something else. Or perhaps find fabric that is going for a steal.

  5. Shop the remnants section - Yes you may not get huge cuts of fabric but some times you can make something amazing with 1 yard of fabric or 1.5 yard. T-shirts, tank tops, short skirts and short pants.

  6. Scrap busting - Are you hanging on to that canvas remnant from last summer…. make yourself a tote bag, or perhaps a small wallet for your makeup. You can get tons of free patterns to download online and put the scraps to work.

  7. Take a second look at the patterns you already have. I’m guilty of this, I have some amazing patterns on the stash. Take a look at those patterns and put a plan of sewing and which ones you want to make right now.

  8. Revisit unfinished projects - WE all have those. That skirt that keeps looking at me to finish the hem. Yeah, its been waiting for four months! Get to those unfinished projects tackled.

  9. Use the fabric that you already have. Let’s face it, we all have fabric that is just sitting there. Waiting for us. Fabric that we purchased and it’s paid in full and it’s been just sitting there waiting for us to pick the right project to go with it.

  10. Wait for the pattern sale - New patterns from Simplicity will be out today June 3rd. Look thru the catalog and take a look at those patterns with an eagle eye. What do I mean by that? The Big four have sales and so do the indie patterns. Just wait for the sale. Ask lots of questions, go check out Sewing Pattern Review. Make sure that this is a pattern that you want to invest $2, $5 or $20.

  11. Bonus tip - Stay away from any patterns that require large amounts of fabric and notions! Forgo those patterns that are total fabric hogs. Anything more than 4 yards of fabric is too much fabric. Don’t believe me? Do the math then. 5 yards * $15 per yard …. add the taxes too! Don’t forget the notions because you are going to need some notions… zippers, bias tape, lining fabric, maybe elastic to do a waist stay (because all that fabric is going to get heavy)…. yeah…. stay away!


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